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Marc Ruffalo

Marc Ruffalo

Marc is a professional sportsmen, and a very good one at that. From what I see, when it comes to sport he excels at everything that he tries to do. Generally he is a smiley, optimistic and open person, and as a model he is very easy to work with, Flexible, reliable and focused on giving you his very best, the same as he does in his sports.
Recently Marc decided that he wanted to grow a beard. Normally that would be the end of filming for BelAmi, but we felt that it actually suited him quite well that we continued to film with him.
Marc is another of the boys that can be found regularly on

Model Rating

Hair color:Light Brown
Eye color:Brown
Dick type:0
Dick size:0


On the Set with Marc & Jaco
Marc & Roald
Marc & Jamie
Jens & Marc
Marc & Niall
Marc & Phil
Marc & Christopher
Marc, Antony & Tom
Benoit & Marc
Joel, Steve & Marc
Marc & Jonas
Marc & Joel
Marc, Roald & Tim
Marc & Peter
Marc & Oliver
Marc & Jens
Marc, Claude & Scott Part 2
Maori & Marc
Marc & Jaco
Claude & Marc
Marc & Marcel
Zac, Marc & Brian
Rhys, Marc & Marcel
Marc & Damian
Marc & Raoul - Part 2
Marc & Raoul - Part 1
Adam and Marc
Marc and Antony
Summer Break - Part 13
Summer Break - Part 12
Summer Break - Part 11
Joaquin and Marc
Ariel and Marc
Ariel, Andre, Marc, Marcel and Rhys
Ariel, Andre, Marc, Marcel and Rhys
Jack and Marc
Raphael & Marc
Marc and Raf
Peter and Marc
Tim, Marc and Rocco
Jean-Luc and Marc
Marc, Adam, Marcel, Brian, Robin and Roald
Marc, Adam, Marcel, Brian, Robin and Roald
Rhys and Marc
Tony, Marc and Lino
Tim and Marc
Bobby and Marc - Part 2
Bobby and Marc - Part 1
Marc and Jim
Marc and Yuri
Adam and Marc - Part 2
Adam and Marc - Part 1
Marc and Steve
Marc and Jeff - Part 2
Marc and Jeff - Part 1
Marc and Brian
Addicted Experience - Part 3
Addicted Experience - Part 1
Marc and Claude
Marc and Tim - Part 2
Marc and Tim - Part 1
Marc and Rocco
Marc and Gregg
Jack and Marc
Marc Ruffalo
Marc and Billy Part 2
Marc and Billy Part 1
Marc Ruffalo
Marc Ruffalo


Although our photoset today also comes from Cape Town, it id from the trip prior to Jambo Africa, when we had invited guest photographer Dylan Rosser to join us there.  Our 2 sexy stars today are Marc Ruffalo and Claude Sorel.  Both are relaxed and easy going guys and make for a charming and well-paired couple.
Claude & Marc
Ariel Vanean and Marc Ruffalo are in front of the camera today in another Summer Break art collection.
Photographer Rick Day starts us off in the shower with this sexy pair before taking them off separately for some solo pictures.
Ariel and Marc
I`m all for the old adage that `Two are better than One`, especially when the 2 are Jack Harrer and Marc Ruffalo.  This week`s featured models have been paired up once before in a scene that we showed you a couple of years ago, and we are happy that we were able to get them together again for this photo shoot and video.
In Wednesday`s video you will see that everyone was in very good humour for this shoot, with lots of joking and general camaraderie, which always makes for a good photo shoot.  Regulars will recognise the location as our regular `outdoor` place near to Budapest.
Jack and Marc
I`m sure most of you have gathered already that Tim has quite a laddish sense of humor, so it will come as no surprise to you that he would find it funny if Eliot had dropped his camera in the sand here.  Putting aside just Tim`s sense of humor, our couple photosets often allow the photographers to try and capture the more playful side of the boys which is a lot harder to do in solo sets.  Apart from being a beautiful couple, Marc and Tim seem to have nice complimentary personalities with Marc enjoying Tim`s playful nature.
Tim and Marc
A lot of you have been asking when you will see Jim again.  I`m sorry we don`t have a scene for you yet, but we can give you a little taste of Jim from an upcoming scene with Marc Ruffalo
Jim and Marc
For today`s production diary we decided to focus a bit on Marcel Gassion and his recent gang bang scene.  The following pictures will give you a little bit of the story, but it started with a bit of a funny situation where we found ourselves having to explain to Marcel exactly what a gang bang was.  Once it was explained to him he was quite OK with the idea and more traumatized by having to eat his cake (as you will see in the pictures) as they were to him `unwanted and unhealthy` extra calories.
I`m happy to report though that he worked off more calories in the scene than he consumed via the cake.
Summer Production Diaries #6
Marc Ruffalo and Adam Archuleta are in front of the camera today for our action picture selection.  You can see the finished flip flop scene later this month as part of our Summer of Love.
Marc and Adam
Todays action pictures are from an upcoming scene with Marc Ruffalo and Brian Jovovich.  Both guys are amongst the favorite models from our newest generation and we look forward to also showing you the video from this scene in the coming months.
Marc and Brian
Marc Ruffalo is back for his 2nd photosession on BelAmiOnline.  Gone is the helmet like haircut of last time as he sports a new spikier look.
Dreamily handsome, Marc seems to have it all, great body, nice big dick, full lips and cheeky brown eyes.  We look forward to showing you more of Mark in the future
Marc Ruffalo
We first met Marc back in 2011 when we shot a casting with him.  We liked him enough to invite him back to do some more work, the first of which is this photosession.
Marc Ruffalo